Community Outreach & Services
Below you'll find a list of services here in Ferrum that help those in need within our community.
We encourage you to support these services and to utilize them when needed!
Here is a list of support services available in Franklin County

St. James Food Pantry & Community Center

Location: 9593 Franklin St. Ferrum, VA
Hours: Wednesday 9AM - 12PM
Contact: 540-365-0760
St. James Food Pantry and Community Center accept all donations of unexpired shelf-stable food, along with donations of household goods, clothing, toys, and more.
Donations are accepted every Wednesday during business hours.

Location: Delivery
Hours: Call
Contact: 540-483-5038
Trinity Episcopal Church of Rocky Mount, in conjunction with volunteer efforts from Ferrum College students, offers free firewood to those in need each winter. Contact them to donate or to receive.
Crossroads Ruritans

Location: 7155 Dry Hill Rd, Ferrum, VA
Hours: Call for information - 540-365-7295
Contact: Facebook Page
Crossroads Ruritans Club was started in 1985 to inspire all people to care about others, their families, their community, and the county through our clubs- and share with people everywhere a desire to improve their communities and make them better places in which to live and work.
Crossroads Ruritans building is used as the Endicott / Crossroads voting precinct.
The building can be rented for birthday parties, family reunions, and weddings. We allow the building to be used at no charge for meals after funerals.
VITA - Tax Preparation Help
Location: Ferrum College campus in Beckham Hall, rooms 201 and 204
Hours: Wednesdays from 4 to 9 p.m. &
Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m thru April 11th, 2023
Contact: 540-483-5142
VITA, an IRS-sponsored program, provides free tax preparation assistance to those whose annual income is $55,000 or less. Ferrum College accounting students have received training to assist with STEP’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, which will be available on campus through April 11 to help local residents complete their taxes.
Tri-Area Health Clinic
& Pharmacy

Location: 180 Ferrum Mountain Rd. Ferrum, VA
Hours: View website for up-to-date hours
Contact: 540-365-4469
Offering a range of health services including medical care, behavioral health, onsite pharmacy, and more to all ages.
Transportation services to and from the clinic are available.
Check our Calendar for upcoming free health screening events offered by Tri-Area Health clinic.
Little Free Library

Location: Minute Market Laundry -
9711 Franklin Street Rt. 40
Hours: 24 hours/day
"Take a book, return a book."
The Little Free Library located in front of the Minute Market Laundromat is a great resource for used books, magazines, and even DVDs. Stop by and grab a book or leave a few of your own. The Little Free Library is a partnership with to bring free reading resources to all communities.
Lions Club
Location: Meeting locations vary
Hours: 5:30 PM on the 3rd Tuesday of every month
Contact: Bob Pohlad, co-president
The Lions Club offers many avenues of support for those in need.
The Lions Club focuses on raising money to support the community, such as creating the Backpack Program for Ferrum Elementary students, providing them with school supplies to start the year- and raising funds to provide the local fire department with all-new uniforms.
If you need free hearing screenings, help with the cost of eye exams and glasses, and eyeglass recycling, reach out today- the Lions Club can help with that too!